Palmistry – Judge A Person By His/her Fingers

Palmistry – Judge A Person By His/her Fingers


Types of fingers:
Index Finger – Ambition/Career – Ego
Middle Finger – The Mind/Money – Super Ego
Ring Finger – Emotions – Personna
Baby Finger – Communications/Spirituality – Id/Libido
The Thumb – Willpower and Control
The length of the fingers shows the individual’s patience and ability to carry out tedious tasks. Short fingers are found on people with grandiose dreams, but not the patience to complete the tasks required. Long fingers show a love of detail, but often to the exclusion of the “Big Picture”.

Also important to note is the length of the fingers in relation to one another. The first comparison to make is the length of the index to ring finger. If the index finger is noticeably longer than the ring finger, this indicates that the subject has a “Me First” attitude, and is a natural leader.

With the ring finger at least a quarter inch longer than the index, these are the technicians. Able to understand both people and machines, these subjects will not take the lead unless they must, being content to be the power behind the throne.

For the baby finger, we look to how low-set the base is. The normal placement is approximately a quarter inch below the level of the other fingers. This shows a normal degree of self-confidence. With the base of the baby finger more than a quarter inch below, the person had a very insecure childhood, with the lack of confidence carrying on through to adult life. In the case of the high-set finger, this indicates a confident and secure childhood, again carrying on to adulthood.

A straight finger shows straightforward views and actions pertaining to the aspects of that finger. Any twisting or bending tells that the views and actions of that aspect have been consciously altered. When one finger leans into another, the aspects of the bent finger have not followed a “normal” course. The aspects of the straight finger support the leaning one.

The amount of space between the fingers also tells us much about the subject.

A large space between the thumb and the hand shows a Read more on this article at

Palmistry – What Your Heart Line Says – Part 1

Palmistry – What Your Heart Line Says – Part 1

Palm reading can reveal much about your love life. Your love and romance life is generally ruled by your heart line on your palm. You can find more about your love life by analyzing your palm yourself. Which palm should you read? Read the palm of your dominant hand. If you are left-handed, read your left hand and vice versa. Please note that the information given here is to the best of my knowledge and does not have any scientific claim or backing.

First find the heart line on your palm if you don’t know which one is it. Use the google image search to search for heart line. Now proceed by answering the following details carefully after analyzing your palm. What is the length of your heart line? If it is a short line, you are likely to be self-centred in love. You may not be much interested in matters of love. If it is a longer line, you may be highly idealistic in love. You may believe in life-long relationships. If the line is very long, ie if it touches both sides of the palm, then you are likely to be highly dependent but respectful in relationships. Jealousy is going to be your negative trait in this case.

Find the beginning of the heart line. If it begins below the index finger, you are most likely have a normal and a proper successful love life. You are likely to love once, but you will love for ever in this case. If the line begins below the middle finger, you may act selfish in love. You are likely to care more about yourself than anyone else. If the heart line begins between the index and middle finger, you are likely to have a calm nature but you think deeply in matters of love and romance. You can sacrifice everything in love if needed. If there is a fork below the index and middle finger, you are lucky because your love life is likely to be well-balanced, affectionate, pleasant and happy. Please read part – 2 for more

Palm Reading Made Easy: The Beginners Guide to Palmistry

Palm Reading Made Easy: The Beginners Guide to Palmistry

A great guide for beginners, this brief, fully-illustrated palmistry primer will quickly and easily teach you the key fundamentals of palm reading. Learn the different parts of the hand and how they affect one another, how fingers and thumbs come into play, different types of hands, how the patterns in lines on palms can mean different things for different people, and so much more.

A great, down-to-earth way to pick up the basics of palmistry before delving deeper into the craft!

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List Price: $ 1.42


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Palmistry – Shape Of Your Hand Can Tell About Your Physical And Personal Characteristics And Profession

Palmistry – Shape Of Your Hand Can Tell About Your Physical And Personal Characteristics And Profession

The Elementary Type Hand

 Physical Characteristics

 In appearance it is coarse and clumsy, with large, thick, heavy palm, short fingers and short nails. The important point in elementary hand: the palm is always thick and coarse and the fingers are short and clumsy. The hand itself is extremely short and barely reaches the base of the first finger. There is very little to be seen on the palm.

 Personal Characteristics The person with the elementary hand displays a lack of enthusiasm and imagination. They show a general indifference to life, and are concerned only with daily existence. This person is largely intolerant of a nasty situation, and can get violent when provoked. They possess a certain low cunning instinct. These are people without aspiration. Simply they eat, drink, sleep, and die.


 The persons having this type of hand are mainly laborers and are involved in violent sports, like boxing.

 The Square Type Hand

Physical Characteristics

The square hand has a square palm, a square wrist, square at the base of the fingers and the fingers and nails are also square. This hand is characterized by a large thumb and a square finger base.

Personal Characteristics

The square hand is most practical and logical of all the types. People with such a hand are orderly, punctual, and precious manner. They are honest and reliable, and like to lead disciplined lives, with little imagination. They respect authority, they love discipline, they respect law and order and are slaves to custom, they are not quarrelsome, but are determined in opposition, they prefer reason to instinct, peace to war, and are methodical in work and habit. They neutrally love the exact sciences and practical studies. They encourage agriculture and commerce; they love home and the duties of home. They are sincere and true in promises, staunch in friendship, strong in principle and honest in business.


The person having this type of hand are mainly businessmen, executives, lawyers, doctors, scientists and engineers.

The Spatula Type Hand
Physical Characteristics

The fingers of this hand are flattened like a spatula. The most characteristic feature is the

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Art of Palm Reading (also known as Palmistry, Chiromancy, Cheiromancy, and Chirology) – FREE Introduction and Major Lines Chapters in trial version (Mobi Health)

Art of Palm Reading (also known as Palmistry, Chiromancy, Cheiromancy, and Chirology) – FREE Introduction and Major Lines Chapters in trial version (Mobi Health)

The Art of Palm Reading also known as chiromancy or palmistry is the art of evaluating a person’s character and future life by “reading” the palm of that person’s hand. FREE Introduction and Major Lines Chapters in trial version. Features Fully illustrated. Easy explanation of major lines, minor line, mounts, and signs. Access the guide anytime, anywhere – at home, on the train, in the subway. Always have the guide available for a quick reference. Search for the words or phrases Navigate f

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Palmistry – What Your Heart Line Says

Palmistry – What Your Heart Line Says

Palm reading can reveal much about your love life. Your love and romance life is generally ruled by your heart line on your palm. You can find more about your love life by analyzing your palm yourself. Which palm should you read? Read the palm of your dominant hand. If you are left-handed, read your left hand and vice versa. Please note that the information given here is to the best of my knowledge and does not have any scientific claim or backing.

First find the heart line on your palm if you don’t know which one is it. Use the google image search to search for heart line. Now proceed by answering the following details carefully after analyzing your palm. What is the length of your heart line? If it is a short line, you are likely to be self-centred in love. You may not be much interested in matters of love. If it is a longer line, you may be highly idealistic in love. You may believe in life-long relationships. If the line is very long, ie if it touches both sides of the palm, then you are likely to be highly dependent but respectful in relationships. Jealousy is going to be your negative trait in this case.

Find the beginning of the heart line. If it begins below the index finger, you are most likely have a normal and a proper successful love life. You are likely to love once, but you will love for ever in this case. If the line begins below the middle finger, you may act selfish in love. You are likely to care more about yourself than anyone else. If the heart line begins between the index and middle finger, you are likely to have a calm nature but you think deeply in matters of love and romance. You can sacrifice everything in love if needed. If there is a fork below the index and middle finger, you are lucky because your love life is likely to be well-balanced, affectionate, pleasant and happy.

See if your heart line is broken or forked anywhere in between. If no, then ok. But if it is broken, you are likely to have trouble in your relationships. If it is forked, there may be a break-up in your relationship some time. If your heart line is straight, you will always have intense feelings in love. You will be practical in love but hard to get along with at times. If the heart line is curved, you are likely to have an open, flexible nature. You may be warm, pleasant and accessible in your relationship. If there are chain-like designs, you will have an inconsistent love life filled with flirtations.

Lets see about what the looks of the heart line say. If the heart line appears deep, you are likely to be emotional in love. Your heart rules your head in this case. If the line appears faint, you are likely to be unemotional in love. Your head rules your heart in this case. Find out the position of the heart line on the palm. If it is higher towards the fingers, you are likely to be cold-hearted and less passionate. You are likely to be calculating in all love matters. If it is on the lower side, you are likely to be extremely passionate and romantic. He/she will be lucky to have you.

See if your heart line touches your life line. If yes, bad! You are quite likely to get deeply hurt by your love. If no, don’t worry too much. See if small lines branch out from the heart line or not? If they point upwards, your love life will have moments of wonderful happiness. If they point downwards, you will likely have a few moments of disappointment in your love life. If you see a star-like formation on the heart line you are lucky because your marriage will be very successful.

If you have analyzed this much, most of your love life will be clear to you according to your heart line.

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The Secret Code on Your Hands: An Illustrated Guide to Palmistry

The Secret Code on Your Hands: An Illustrated Guide to Palmistry

Some believe that the human hand is an unsurpassed tool for character and emotional analysis, holding vital keys to one’s path to power, success, romance, and fulfillment. Combining Western astrological palmistry with Chinese hand analysis, this captivating instructional guide outlines a quick and accurate method to assess talents, abilities, psychology, and emotional personality in both business and romance. Fully illustrated, with quick pointers and distinct section dividers, the book is a h

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Palmistry: The Universal Guide

  • ISBN13: 9781402748851
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

The key to your future—and your present and past—is in the palm of your hand! Nathaniel Altman, best-selling author of The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Palmistry, gathers the wisdom he has obtained from decades of practice to produce this comprehensive volume. He answers such questions as: How can the features of the hand tell palm readers as much as the lines on its surface? In what ways can you use a palm reading to change the course of your own future? There’s information on using palmi

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Why not Use Palmistry for Marriage Compatibility

Why not Use Palmistry for Marriage Compatibility

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a science that applies the art of hand-reading to test how suit a couple is for one another. This guides their decision before they choose to walk down the aisle with the wrong partner. It is ironic that marriage is one of the greatest social institutions which is meant to solve various problems but it is sad that it ends up being one of the major social problems. A happy marriage based on a sound foundation is constituted by perhaps only three factors. The most paramount one is the right choice of a partner. This is where many people go wrong since they base their marriage on lust and passion. They barely take their time to meditate about their significant other. The second factor to consider is the natural personal attitude towards life and one’s partner. The right attitude towards work, religion and family is very important in a mate. The last one is discussed a lot which off course is a harmonious and consistent sex life.

Palmistry for marriage compatibility is a very wise phenomenon since it helps in accessing the sexual passion in a mate. Love and romance sets the foundation of a happy married life for the couple. If you use palmistry to test your mate’s passion then you will be in a position to tell your sexual compatibility before you decide on marriage. It is a belief among the learned people that sex education leads to better and predictable sexual compatibility but i beg to disagree. Many professional people like doctors, nurses and biologists have have plenty of sexual knowledge and yet they also face sexual problems. Most illiterate laborers may be ignorant about sex education and yet they satisfactorily enjoy their sex life in marriage. People need to understand that the small general arts in life such as the art of hand reading is all they need to concentrate in to live a simple happy life.

To use palmistry for marriage compatibility examination, begin with the skin texture. Massage the palm softly while feeling the skin of the hand by your thumb finger. The feeling of the skin texture may be soft, normal or hard and dry. If soft skin is detected, this indicates that the person has developed aesthetic sense and hard dry skin indicates the lack of it. A point to note is that a soft skin does not guarantee good morals and hard skin does not indicate low morals. Another hand-reading technique is the consistent thickness of the palm. The thickness standards indicate the power of emotions. The capacity to feelings is related to this hand thickness. A guy with thicker hands has higher chances of building a happy successful marriage compared to one with thin hands. A guy with thin hands may be cold and insensitive. That family warmth generated by emotions might be lacking. A woman with too thick flesh on her hands may attribute her thinking to her emotions. This might start a marriage problem if the emotional demands are unrealistic.

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How to Use Palmistry for Successful Relationships

How to Use Palmistry for Successful Relationships

Successful romantic relationships are the key to a happy and fulfilling life. It is a better option to use palmistry for successful relationships than use fake theories which use a lot of your energy for nothing. The techniques of hand-reading are very simple and exciting since the feedback is instant. For instance the consistency of the thickness of the hand is effortless and pleasurable. The connection between the hand thickness and its consistency is very high. The resistance of the palm muscles is used to judge its consistency. Use your both hands to hold her hand tightly and press the muscle using the thumb on various palm regions. The hand consistency is broadly divided into being elastic, hard or soft.

The consistency is said to be hard if the palm muscles do not respond to the thumb finger pressure. This shows that it is composed of tough massive muscles. This is an indication that the emotional being present in that person is primitive, rigid and non compromising in any situation. Consistency is said to be elastic if the thumb pressure is counteracted with less resistance of the muscles. This is an indication of good emotions quality in that particular person. The consistency is soft when the palm muscles offer no resistance to the thumb pressure. The flabby flesh shows indolence and sensuousness at their extremes. Consistency of the palm thickness as a technique of palmistry for successful relationships works wonders in determining a dating couples destiny.

It is possible to use palmistry for successful relationships if you are keen on reading the thumb finger. It gives considerably enough information about the quality of love a partner is likely to offer. A strong thumb speaks for equally strong sentimental attributes. The thumb will expose the knowledge about one’s focus in love matters. It easy to tell whether the person is monogamous or polygamous by nature. A strong thumb indicates a lot of focus and such a person concentrates his/her love on one partner. Such a man will love a woman not for mere sex but because of many good diverse factors. All the forces are oriented towards his object of love. Such a person makes a good relationship. For a weak thumb, the opposite is true.

The better the shape of the thumb, the more decency and polish is employed when it comes to making love. If the thumb is hard or course the sex will be rough and in its uncultured and most primitive form. If the thumb is not rigid or if it is flexible, this interprets to love instability. The love is not so constant. In other words the person’s sentiments keep shifting. They generously give out love for little returns. As long as they love they are known to be splendid lovers. The problem is they find it hard to focus on one subject for a long period of time. Stiff thumb is more promising in constant love and stability. While using palmistry for successful relationships, remember stability varies in degree and you should not dismiss the idea of marrying the person with a supple thumb. If you are the type of people who are uncomfortable with too much attention and dating jealousy people, he is the one for you.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Palmistry, Second Edition

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Palmistry, Second Edition

  • ISBN13: 9781592573462
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Your future is in your hands. This updated and revised second edition covers palm and hand reading, including an in-depth look at individual fingers, lines, and the shape of the palm, and how these can be read to reveal personal insights.

• All-new information on health, happiness, and well-being and how a reading can interpret them
• Worksheets to help beginners chart the dominant characteristics of the hand and what they mean in a reading
• Exercises, examples, an

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