Palmistry Reading in Kerala

The word Palmistry that is widely used nowadays is a practice of hand reading or fortune telling. It has a wide history that exists more than hundred years.

According to spiritual aspect of life, the future of a person is destined on the Karma of the person or the Karma of others. In modern world, there are a large number of believers as per the eager to know about the future. Still there are many positive and negative sides to this practice.

Chirognomy- the type of hand reading introduced by D’Arpentigny in late 1700’s where the hands are grouped in different shapes created a new foundation for hand reading.

Dermatoglyphics- it is a deep study of the different ridges on the hand.

Chirology- the modern type of hand reading that includes chiromancy, chirognomy and Dermatoglyphics.

Importance of color in Palmistry:

• White hands: lack of blood circulation

• Pink hands: good health

• Red hands: High blood pressure

• Blue hands: Sluggish blood circulation

Palmist find right hand more important than left hand as it shows the present condition and the left shows the past. The four major lines on the hands are the life line, the head line, the fate line and the heart line.

Each and every part of the palms are important for palm reading.

Spatulate fingertips- people who like to work abroad and goes on traveling.

Square fingertips- person with well order

Long index finger- persons with managerial powers and can take decisions

Short Index finger- person who likes to work alone

Swirl finger prints- artists

Arch finger prints- often works on special skills

Air hands- are good communicators, often work in the area of media

Hands with missing fate line- have some unique quality

Closed fingers- hard working employee

Wide gaped fingers- may be a problematic employee

Palmistry is closely related to health. The different physiological aspects of hand show the anatomical problems of a person.