Past, present, future: How to read and interpret dreams, handwriting, palms, cards, tea leaves, dice, doodles, numbers

Past, present, future: How to read and interpret dreams, handwriting, palms, cards, tea leaves, dice, doodles, numbers

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Which is better “Palmistry”, “Oracle or Tarot Cards”, “Astrology” or Numerology ? and WHY ?

Question by Queen of Hearts: Which is better “Palmistry”, “Oracle or Tarot Cards”, “Astrology” or Numerology ? and WHY ?
My Answer is : Palmistry and Oracle Cards because for me It was completely Accurate

Best answer:

Answer by greeneggsandsam
i don’t like numerology, too vague. don’t know anything about palmistry, cept they use your palms. nothing about tarot cards. and i know a bit about astrology, and it’s not entirely accurate, but it can be. its usually dead on about my personality, a little off though. as for physical appearence or “destiny” i don’t believe in that.

so i guess the palm thing, because everybody palm is different. but i dont know much about it.

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